Combat Arms: Billions of
explosives served
Nexon America’s FPS Combat Arms
is about more than just shooting at other
players, it’s also about blowing them up. And
Combat Arms players have tried their best to
blow up anyone in their path, throwing 1.5
billion hand grenades since the game launch in
“Our players seem to be taking to heart that
‘close only counts in horseshoes and hand
grenades’ with the amount of bombs thrown,” said
Combat Arms producer Graham Kays. “Sometimes,
it’s the perfect throw, other times it is
magnificent timing and for some of us, it’s just
dumb luck. Regardless, fragging with grenades is
always a good time.”
In fact, nearly 240 million times, players have
been close enough to those grenades to be blown
to bits. That’s an impressive percentage of the
more than four billion players killed while
playing Combat Arms.
Grenades are varied and plentiful in Combat
Arms, as players can select from six different
varieties. The standard M67 is always handy when
trying to blow somebody up. Players can also
upgrade to the M67 two pack, which allows for
two to be carried. The M69HE Frag packs a
stronger wallop for those times when multiple
kills are needed. While others like to cause a
slow burning death with M-23F incendiary grenade
or G7A gas grenade. For players who choose to
use grenades as a source of surprise, the M18
smoke grenade creates a thick fog to confuse the
enemy or hide your movements. The XM-84 flash
grenade is the perfect way to blind your foes
before defeating them with a machine gun or
melee weapon. |