cdv USA's Divinity
II - Ego Draconis "Game Feature
Challenge" Contest Coming To A Close
cdv Software Entertainment USA is
pleased to announce the third and final round of
its Divinity II – Ego Draconis “Game
Feature Challenge” contest! Setting itself apart
from nearly every fantasy RPG to date,
Divinity II – Ego Draconis allows aspiring
Dragon Knights to play in both human and dragon
forms, and you must master the ways of both in
order to win awesome Divinity II – Ego
Draconis prizes!
This third round of questions debuts today and
will focus on the gameplay, skill, and combat
differences between Divinity II’s Human
Form and Dragon Form. Contestants who make it
through this third and final round of questions
will be given a chance to receive a variety of
great Divinity II – Ego Draconis Game
Feature Challenge including themed controllers,
controller skins, in-game bonuses and more! For
more information about the contest, and its
rules, please visit –
The Game Feature Challenge comes on heels of the
recently launched Divinity II - Ego Draconis
Epic PC Sweepstakes, which gives fans the chance
to win epic loot, including a Custom Divinity II
- Ego Draconis Gaming PC and a High-Resolution
LCD Desktop Display. Visit
for a full list of prizes, more details and to
enter to win!
Don’t forget about the Divinity II –
Ego Draconis GAMESTOP 360 Pre-Order Bonus:
Players who pre-order Divinity II - Ego Draconis
for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment
system from Microsoft from GameStop will receive
the exclusive in-game Blood Echelon Armor and
Weapon Set while supplies last. The Blood
Echelon is a select lodge of elite Dragon
Slayers who have earned the highest of
distinctions on the battlefield. The pre-order
program is available now through January 5,